Getting unsecured business credit is not as difficult as you might think it is. If you follow certain guidelines and prepare yourself to apply for unsecured for business credit you will be surprised as to how much business credit you are able to obtain.
If you are looking for unsecured credit you may be under the impression that unsecured credit is no longer available in these times or that it's super hard to get any type of unsecured business credit.
It's important to realize that in order to be successful in obtaining unsecured credit now more than ever requires having a strong foundation of essential things that banks and creditors look at when giving unsecured business credit to businesses. These are the essential things you need to build a solid foundation to get unsecured credit:
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o Choosing the Business Entity or Structure for Your Company
What this entails is choosing which one of the following business structures you will use to operate your business:
A Sole Proprietorship
A General Partnership
A Limited Partnership
The C-Corporation
The S corporation or S-corp
LLC or Limited Liability Company
o Choosing A Name For Your Business
There are different things to consider when choosing a business name. You want to choose something that lets people know what your business is about. You also want to make the name short and catchy and easy to remember.
o Incorporating or Forming an LLC
If you choose to incorporate or form an LLC you may want to consider utilizing the services of a business that has experience in filing incorporating papers. There is a handful on line and the cost can be relatively inexpensive. You may want to consider shopping around to get the best price. You can also ask your business associates to refer you to someone they may have used who has done a good job for them.
o Establishing a Permanent Business Address
If you do not have a physical or commercial address because you are just starting your business, you can use your residence address as your home business address but make sure that you are actually conducting business there. D & B which stands for Dun & Bradstreet, is the major business credit bureau, will periodically send field officers to verify business addresses so your residence must look like you actually have an area where you conduct your business. Which means you at least have a desk, a computer, a business phone line, filing cabinets, etc.
o Filing A Fictitious Business Name With The County
If you are going to operate your business using a fictitious business name or what is also known as DBA (Doing Business As) you need to file a fictitious business name with the county where your business is located.
o Listing your Business Phone number with 411
Having your business phone listed with the 411national directory is very important because oftentimes creditors and D&B will verify that your number is listed with the 411national business directory and they will also call to verify that a live person is actually answering the phone.
o Obtaining a Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)
The IRS issues the Tax ID numbers also called EIN which stands for Employer Identification Number. You can apply online to get an EIN number by simply visiting the IRS website at
o Complying With Your Local & State Licensing Laws
Make sure you get all the necessary licenses and permits required for your business in your area. You can call city hall and ask to be transferred to the correct department to find out what licensing and permits you might need.
o Having A Business Website
Having a business website adds credibility to your business. It's a necessary thing in order to be competitive in the current business environment. Some potential lenders actually do go and look at your website before approving credit. They want to get a sense that a business is not fly-by-night.
o Getting a Business e-mail Address
If you don't already have a business e-mail address you need to get one. This adds credibility to your business. A business e-mail address is simply an e-mail address that has your business name where e-mails get sent to.
o Opening a Business Checking Account
It's better to open a business bank account with banks that issue corporate business cards your odds of getting unsecured credit is better.
o Obtaining a DUNS Number
Most lenders nowadays require a DUNS number.
If you make sure you have all of these essential things in place before you start to apply for business credit you increase your odds dramatically of getting approved for unsecured business credit [].
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